
Sunday, May 6, 2012

Love this space today ...

I really am loving this space, really loving it ...

Ok, so what do I like about it I hear you ask? 
Well in no particular order I love ...

The tall windows opening out onto a balcony
I love the transom windows above to extend the height and allow in even more light
The window frames being painted out in the black contrasting against the crisp white walls
The sleek white kitchen
The rough wooden herringbone pattern floorboards
White dining table and chairs with banquet seating against the wall
The fire place discreetly positioned in the wall

image via casasugar


  1. myfirstlittleplaceMay 7, 2012 at 12:56 AM

     Thank you so much, that is so kind of you to say x

  2. Oh my goodness..... Love this space! Loving the high black windows/doors!

  3. This is a stunning space Sarah. I love the flooring and those huge windows :)

    Abbey x


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