
Sunday, October 28, 2012

Putting the dream together ...

Ok, so it's finally time I can start share to something with you all.
I just can't reveal everything right now but I promise I will very shortly.

As I mentioned a few weeks back I was going to be heading overseas. 
Well sadly that didn't happen, long story but at the end of the day things just change!
So I decided to take the money saved and the time I had to start an idea
I have wanted to do for over a year now. 

I am going to start my own business!
It's very exciting for me but has (still is) taking a lot of planning as I want to do this right. 

I've always wanted to have my own business for so many reasons but the main reason 
to put it simply is to live my life on my terms.
 I am under no illusions that it will be easy, I know it's going to be hard and a lot of work. 
But I say bring it on, I'm ready!

So I have been spending my days planning, researching, buying, learning, writing,
 taking photo's, being creative, putting together financials, emailing, organising, making decisions,
 being inspired and most importantly - enjoying way more than I thought I could. 

My motto is you never know until you try and there's lot's a different ways to try.

I am bursting at the seams to tell you all in detail as to what I have been working so hard on.
Stay tuned as all shall be shared in the next couple of weeks.

images via bottomoftheironingbasket, glitterguide


  1. Well I cannot wait to hear what you have planned!

  2. How exciting....and good for you for making that decision, particularly at a time when something else that you had planned on didn't work out!!

    Good luck, can't wait to see what happens next!! And well done you....for taking that very scary first step! :)

  3. Good on you ... i need to take the leap as well into the unknown...wishing you lots of success!x

  4. Thank you all for your kind words of support, I can't wait to share it as soon as I can ...
    And @roome, feel the fear and do it anyway ;) xx

  5. Good luck with the new business venture, can't wait to hear more x

  6. Hi Sarah, just stopping by to say how delightful your blog is. I have recently found it and am now following you. Hopefully you will follow me also. Hugs, Chris


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