I'm trying to work out exactly what I want to put on the window of my living area. It's quite a large window and looks out onto a garden area then onto the carport and then it is exposed to the complex. I don't get any sun through this window so it doesn't need to be blockout.
I like my privacy and at night I like all windows to be very covered up (paranoia maybe??) Hence that's why for now I have a sheet up at the window, which is such an interior statement!
But enough is enough, it's time to dress them.
Now remember this sofa will be replaced with a longer white one and this sofa put on the wall to the left. The table on that wall will turn around and will sit along the window wall in the corner (under air con). And the coffee tables will be replaced with a black & white patterned ottoman.
When I first moved in I thought I'd get a roller blind up there and keep it quite minimal but now I have lived in the space for 6 months, I really want curtains to soften the space up a bit. I thought plain white ones for simplicity but is that too boring? Here are some pictures that are giving me some inspiration.

I like this idea of using the white but it's trimmed with another colour.
Maybe I could do this and add some yellow trim to not make them so plain?

But I do love this, the living area of Michelle Adams (Rubie Green, Lonny & MA Belle). I would love to use this Rubie Green Bryn fabric in yellow fofr my curtains, so cute.
So what do you think?

I like this idea of using the white but it's trimmed with another colour.
Maybe I could do this and add some yellow trim to not make them so plain?

But I do love this, the living area of Michelle Adams (Rubie Green, Lonny & MA Belle). I would love to use this Rubie Green Bryn fabric in yellow fofr my curtains, so cute.
So what do you think?
images my first little place, cococozy, my notting hill, habitually chic, lonny