Thursday, January 14, 2010

Miss OC

Recently I headed over to Perth to work for a couple of months. The experience was........great. Perth is a beautiful place and I felt I needed to post about it after speaking with one of my Perth friends today, let's just call her "Miss OC"!!! You see Miss OC thinks my blog is "funny" and if I didn't know Miss OC I would be offended! But it was actually Miss OC who drove me all around Perth showing me the beautiful houses in Perth, introduced me to one of my now favourite furniture and homewares stores Empire (see pic below) plus many more and asked me on a regular basis what she should do with her own First Little Place! Got the lights sorted out yet Miss OC?? You see I know Miss OC secretly LOVES my blog and can't wait for it to arrive in her inbox :)

Keep reading the blog Miss OC, you might get some ideas on all this random stuff xx

Empire Homewares, Perth

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