Thursday, June 7, 2012

A Fashionable Wednesday - Geraldine Saglio

French stylist and assistant to Vogue's Paris Editor-in-Chief Emmanuelle Alt, 
Geraldine Saglio has style I die for. 
Everything she wears is something that I would very happily and comfortably wear. 









images via theyallhateus, stylescoopdaily, googleimages, wikifashion, theyallhateus, coolspotters, theyallhateus, googleimages, stylescoopdaily, thephilophiles


  1. Her style is absolute perfection x

  2. gorgeous, she makes it look too easy! 

  3. Melinda FeedingFashionJune 7, 2012 at 12:37 PM

    Completely agree! Simple, chic, perfect! And reminds me to kick myself in the but and get to the gym...


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